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Not all doom and gloom – optimism for the solar industry and energy consumers

  April 1, 2015   |     by Admin

Sometime during this week, the Federal Government will seek to resolve the ongoing Senate deadlock regarding the future of Australia’s flagship renewable energy target. Despite best attempts to force a compromise on what the revised RET target post 2020 will be, debate has still centred on the final amount of total gigawatts per hour that should come from renewable sources.

This extensive debate has had adverse affects on not only the solar industry, but other industries as well, with the high-energy consuming aluminium industry signalling their concerns regarding the lack of a deal being struck. However, despite the confusion, long duration, and mixed signals regarding any change to the RET, there are still many reasons for those looking to buy solar panels to be optimistic.

For the, commercial solar panel industry in particular, there are still incredibly beneficial incentives for PV solar panel investment. Over 11% of businesses throughout the country now generate their own feed-in energy directly from PV solar installations, and this is expected to increase in the near future. In Victoria alone, experts forecast that every second household will have a PV solar panel system of some variety installed within the next decade.

For us in the renewable industry, these numbers alone are enough for us to be optimistic about the future, and this business confidence will have a flow-on effect directly to you, the consumer. As the technology becomes more prevalent in our cities, the bottom line on all solar quotes will inevitably fall to a mind boggling 40% of its current day price, due in part to the rapid rate that PV panels are being developed in Germany.

This revelation, coupled in turn with the current, “friendly” feed-in tariff rates – cancelling out the generous tariff exchange whilst still maximising the offset of your energy bill – means that for homeowners, there really has never been a better time to invest in solar energy. With prices set to continuously follow a downward trend, plus the ongoing increase in solar storage capacity and efficiency, solar power is here to stay for a long time yet.

Think Solar, with our expert knowledge and understanding of the current situation surrounding the RET debate and its most likely outcome, are best placed to be able to provide you with an efficient, cost effective, solar panel system. With over half a decade of experience in installing all kinds of PV solar systems for both residential and commercial applications, Think Solar can happily consult with and advise you on what the best avenue of approach is for your ideal solar capacity.

We also offer a no obligation, completely free quote on all of our solar panels and PV systems, ensuring that we are the ideal destination for those looking to buy solar panels in Melbourne. Contact us today on 1300 680 951 – or alternatively send us a message through our contact us page – to arrange your free quote today, and let us show you the difference that has made Think Solar the premier supplier of quality PV solar panels throughout Victoria.

What are your opinions on the ongoing debate surrounding the RET here in Australia? We’d like to hear from you.