Federal Government “Dumps” the Anti-Dumping inquest
April 16, 2015 |Last week, the Federal Government decided to cancel their anti-dumping inquiry into the low prices of Chinese solar panels, signalling a huge win for the solar industry, and for those concerned in the ongoing Senate debate surrounding the Renewable Energy READ MORE
Two key aspects of a high performance PV solar panel
April 8, 2015 |A common question we find being asked more frequently in the industry, is what exactly goes into making the best solar panels available on the market today? Understanding the composition of your PV panels is an important step to becoming READ MORE
Not all doom and gloom – optimism for the solar industry and energy consumers
April 1, 2015 |Sometime during this week, the Federal Government will seek to resolve the ongoing Senate deadlock regarding the future of Australia’s flagship renewable energy target. Despite best attempts to force a compromise on what the revised RET target post 2020 will READ MORE