Two key aspects of a high performance PV solar panel April 8, 2015 | by Admin A common question we find being asked more frequently in the industry, is what exactly goes into making the best solar panels available on the market today? Understanding the composition of your PV panels is an important step to becoming READ MORE Not all doom and gloom – optimism for the solar industry and energy consumers April 1, 2015 | by Admin Sometime during this week, the Federal Government will seek to resolve the ongoing Senate deadlock regarding the future of Australia’s flagship renewable energy target. Despite best attempts to force a compromise on what the revised RET target post 2020 will READ MORE Solar storage not too far away March 26, 2015 | by Admin Underlining the increasing speed in which PV solar panels are advancing in technology, the world technological analysis body, IHS, recently noted key points that will revolutionise the way we see solar technology. On this site you will find only the READ MORE A better PV solar panel provider – Think Solar March 18, 2015 | by Admin Despite the ongoing news regarding the reassessment of the renewable energy target (RET), the solar panel industry is currently experiencing an upward boom. With the global PV solar panel price at a historic low – along with the continuation of READ MORE Maximising the output of your solar panel system March 12, 2015 | by Admin Earlier this year, the Victorian government enacted new laws which signalled the end of regulated feed-in tariffs, leaving it up to the energy companies to decide how much you get back for unused power. This has particularly affected the commercial READ MORE The next big thing in the solar panel industry – Shingles March 5, 2015 | by Admin Despite the incredible energy savings and remarkable benefits to the environment we live in, residential solar systems have had to put up with a common downside – they aren’t attractive! No matter how well designed the solar panel mounts are, READ MORE Three things you need to know regarding your solar panel purchase February 24, 2015 | by Admin With the drop in PV solar panel prices, and an increase in efficiency of the units, there really has never been a better time to invest in residential or commercial solar panel systems. There aren’t many negative points either, with READ MORE « Previous Page